Emerging Road Safety Technology & Its Benefits

emerging tech whitepaper


Save Lives & Money for Your Department

Road traffic accidents are a costly and deadly matter. In order to make roadways safer, emerging technologies have been developed that not only save lives but also money on costs for enforcement operations.

The cost can be deceiving when looking at using traditional flares over the long term. We’ve done the research so you don’t have to and collected data that shows the shortcomings and hazards of current technology.

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Sequential Flares Boost Driver Compliance & ROIs

One of the biggest risks to law enforcement officers and road crews is being struck by a vehicle while assisting on the roadside. But with new technology, drivers are moving over and slowing down faster than ever before.

New technological advancements in road safety can save their lives while also offering a unique ROI opportunity for departments. Learn in depth about: 

  • Existing Risks to Road Crews & Officers 
  • New Technological Advancements in Road Safety
  • How New Road Safety Technologies Save Lives and Money

Get Home Safe Each Night

The newest safety technology for drivers and road crews has made it easier than ever to get home safely. Sequential road flares have resulted in a reduction of speeds and an increase for compliance. With new traffic safety tools, drivers are no longer waiting until it's too late thanks to visual sequential patterns which provide enhanced protection from sequential LED flare deployment on the ground.

Traditional flares have some drawbacks. While they seem inexpensive, the costs add up over time due in large part because you'll need multiple deployed at once during peak incident periods. We’ve compared cost-effectiveness between traditional flares and sequential LEDs to see which saves departments the most money in the long run and presents a better return on investment.